CSS Intermediate Quiz (Level 2)

15 Questions
  1. Which CSS property is used to create a shadow effect for text?

  2. In CSS, which property is used to control the order of stacked elements when they overlap?

  3. Which CSS property is used to specify the minimum space between lines of text within an element?

  4. Which CSS property is used to create rounded corners for an element's border?

  5. Which of the following is a valid way to vertically center an element within its parent using CSS?

  6. What does CSS specificity refer to?

  7. Which CSS property is used to make an element's background image fixed in place, so it doesn't scroll with the content?

  8. Which CSS property is used to control the transparency of an element?

  9. Which CSS pseudo-class selects an element when a user hovers over it with their mouse?

  10. Which CSS property is used to create a horizontal scrollbar when content overflows its container?

  11. In CSS Flexbox layout, which property is used to control the alignment of flex items along the main axis?

  12. Which CSS property is used to apply a 3D transformation to an element?

  13. In CSS Grid layout, which property is used to control the size of the gutters (gaps) between grid tracks?

  14. Which CSS property is used to specify the style of an element's outline?

  15. What is the primary purpose of the ::before and ::after pseudo-selectors in CSS?