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#19: Installing React.js with Vite for Frontend Development | MERN Series

Welcome, to the world of frontend development in our MERN Series! πŸš€ Learn how to install React.js using Vite in simple steps. We will code a 'Hello, World!' in React, and join our supportive Discord community for any questions. Perfect for beginners! Let's code together! πŸ’»

I highly recommend you to watch the video and follow the steps shown in it. I believe by simply watching the video is enough to install the React.JS using vite. But yes, I am sharing links so that you don't need to go anywhere.

1: We are going to use Vite to install react.js, so here are the links πŸ‘‡

a: Official Website Link:

b: Vite official link:

Our App.jsx file

const App = () => {
  return <h1>Hello MERN Series </h1>;

export default App;